The 35 years of corporate audit experience that Bill brings to Revnew’s clients is impressive. It includes roles at El Paso Corporation, Jefferson Wells, KPMG, Valero Energy, and PG&E. On the consulting side, he has served in audit management at Jefferson Wells and Grant Thornton.
Areas of Expertise
- Contract Compliance
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Business Risk
- Accounting Principles and Practices
- Corporate and Field Accounting
Education and Certifications
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Alma College
- Certified Public Accountant (inactive)
- Certified Internal Auditor (inactive)
Fast Facts
- Bill taught Conviser-Duffy CPA Review courses for four years.
- He has worked on projects in Canada, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Ghana, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela.
- Paron, AR